Dovanice versione Naga

di gaia

(Si ha la pelle viola… non trovavo il colore adatto… ma forse il viola va bene… un pò come i simpsons ma… “al contrario” XD) versione “originale”:

Un’altra piccola storia ma tra Slubrug e Juvoo

di gaia

Two Intelligent Uncles Bouncing to the Beat A Short Story by Gaia Nicolosi Slubrug of the Blueberry Tribe looked at the stripy record in his hands and felt sneezy. He walked over to the window and reflected on his deprived surroundings. He had always loved industrial Ferthillon with its tiny, teeny-tiny trees. It was a…

Una piccola storia tra Dovanice e Ferdeor

di gaia

Two Mean Uncles Sprokety-sproing to the Beat A Short Story by Gaia Nicolosi Dovanice of the Banana Tribe had always loved quiet Camp Bananattor with its tricky, thirsty trees. It was a place where she felt happy. She was a gremliny, acrobatic, gremlijuice drinker with chubby eyebrows and beautiful arms. Her friends saw her as…

Una piccola storia tra Zukcoh e Pomodà

di gaia

Two Pure Uncles Skating to the Beat A Short Story by Gaia Nicolosi Zukcoh of the Pumpkin Tribe was thinking about Pomodà of the Tomato Tribe again. Pomodà was a protective tomato with tight legs and jumpy arms. Zukcoh walked over to the window and reflected on his perfect surroundings. He had always loved golden…